0031(0) 653 535 767 or 0031(0) 43 450 29 81

Over ons

"Hoppener machinery" is an family business that is focused to trade over the world in good quality big construction machines in the used market.
Compared to cheap price machine traders we have more the focus to trade in good quality machines and we are also able to recognize a good quality machine
because we are also for decades professional excavator drivers.
A optical and technical good condition machine must we purchase for a much higher price than a not so good condition machine.
Us experience through the many years we are trading in machinery`s is that unfortunately many buyers only look to the price, hours and building year from a machine.
Us advise and also us own philosophy is to look much more to the general condition from a machine "CHEAP IS USUALLY EXPENSIVE".
Many used cheap / not nice looking / damaged or many places repainted machines in the used machine market are used for heavy rock works or demolition works
and mostly they have much more than normaly wear on the pivot points from the machine.
Only machines in good and original (not repainted) condition retain their value over the years and low running costs.
Many buyers try to get us good quality machines for the same price as a not so good quality machine in the market but this won`t happen.
We know for sure that us price / quality ratio is actually more than good, BUT FEEL FREE TO MAKE A REALISTIC OFFER.
"Hoppener machinery" has been located since 1976 in the south of the Netherlands in the village WIJLRE, this is 20 KM from Maastricht (NL) and Aachen (DE).
Airport Eindhoven (NL), Düsseldorf (DE) and Köln (DE) is located about 110 KM from us yard, the port of Antwerpen is located about 135 KM from us yard
and the port of Rotterdam is located about 230 KM from us yard.
Al our machines for sale are in our own yard. Over the years we have built up such trust that many customers buy our machines without visiting us and testing the machines themselves.
Ofcourse it is always possible after appointment to visit us for a inspection to the machine you want to buy.

** We look forward to your visit and hope to make you happy with one of our machines **

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